Start your journey toward recovery

Access treatment,
support and education.

1 Self Referral Patient can send referral via website 
or Clinician Referral GP or clinician can send referral through website or by letter to
Referrals may recommend day program, individual consultations , or GP review and management. 2 Referral Assessment Service (RAS) RAS to contact patient via telehealth to determine needs and collect further information. 3 Engage with Esus Services Patient accepted and appropriate appointment made
and services engaged. 4 Navigating through the Esus model of care Patient guided by an Esus team member who will then assist in the pathways of recovery. 5 Transitions Patients transition back to community- based care with detailed discharge summary and plan for continued recovery.


Clinical Referral

GP or clinician can send referral through website or by letter to

Referrals may recommend day program, individual consultations , or GP review and management.

Self Referral

Patient can send referral via website or


Referral Assessment Service (RAS)

RAS to contact patient via telehealth to determine needs and collect further information.


Engage with Esus Services

Patient accepted and appropriate appointment made and services engaged.


Navigating through the Esus model of care

Patient guided by an Esus team member who will then assist in the pathways of recovery.



Patients transition back to community- based
care with detailed discharge summary and plan for continued recovery.

Referral process


Take your first step

Initially, a GP referral is required. If this is challenging to obtain, you can self-refer and consult with one of the GPs at Esus Centre for assistance with the medical assessment and referral procedure.

After submission, the referral assessment service (RAS) will review the referral and contact you. We aim to respond to referrals by email within 24 hours. Referrals may be sent through the website or email the referral assessment service


Finding the right treatment for your patient

An integrated eating disorder service means that your patient will have access to healthcare professionals who specialise in treating eating disorders. This may include psychologists, dietitians, nurses, peer support workers, psychiatrists and specialist eating disorder GPs.

The team will work together to create a personalised treatment plan for your patient, taking into account their specific needs and goals. We offer a range of treatment options, including individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, nutritional counselling, and higher or lower intensity group therapy programs. This allows for a tailored treatment approach that can be adjusted as needed throughout the patient’s journey towards recovery.

We provide additional services such as psychiatric assessments, parent and carer support programs, and clinical supervision for healthcare professionals delivering eating disorder treatment. By utilising an integrated eating disorder service, your patient will receive comprehensive, specialised care that can greatly increase their chances of recovery. Esus Centre streamlines the treatment process, making it more convenient and efficient for patients, families and referring healthcare providers.

Our integrated service offers:

  • A high-intensity day hospital treatment program (five days a week)
  • Low intensity day programs (one day a week for several weeks)
  • A multidisciplinary outpatient consulting service with specialist eating disorder psychiatrists, psychologists and dietitians where patients are managed under an eating disorder treatment plan
  • A GP medical monitoring service


Working together towards recovery

Keeping your loved ones connected to their support network throughout treatment provides crucial support to the person suffering with an eating disorder.

At Esus, collaborating with families allows for a comprehensive approach to treatment, where all parties work towards your loved one’s recovery. Involving families in treatment equips them with the knowledge and skills to provide ongoing support outside of professional therapy. This reduces the chance of relapse and promotes sustained recovery. Recovery from an eating disorder is undoubtedly a team effort, but you will not do this work alone. Partnering with families while providing support, education and coping skills improves our chances of success.

From our intensive five-day a week treatment program, to our once-a-week low intensity day programs, to our outpatient consulting service and GP physical monitoring service — it’s all accessible under one roof.


This list of resources has been collated for your ongoing support and education. Australian organisations offering in-depth knowledge and support with eating disorder illnesses includes:

Esus Centre is not a crisis or emergency service. For emergencies please present to an emergency department. You can access 24-hour helplines for support:

Please send referrals to and include the following information:

Please advise which programs you would like patient to be considered for.

  1. Outpatient Consulting – Please provide copy of Eating Disorder Treatment Plan
  • Psychology
  • Dietetics
  • Specialist GP Review
  1. Day Patient Groups
  • Adolescent Intensive Treatment Program (14+ years) – 5 days per week
  • Intensive Treatment Program – 5 days per week
  • DBT Skills
  • Teen DBT Skills
  • RO-DBT
  • Schema Therapy
  • Binge Eating Disorder Groups (Integrative Therapy for Loss of Control Eating & Post Bariatric Surgery Group)

Please address the referral to Esus Centre and include the following:

Further Information required for referral:

  • Current medications
  • Current Diagnosis
  • Past Medical History
  • Medical Observations
  • Current weight/height/BMI
  • Recent pathology – FBP, UEC, LFT, PO4, Mg, iron studies
  • ECG
  • Lying and standing BP and HR
  • Temperature
  • BSL

Download Esus Referral Form Template